Friday, December 12, 2008

After the Dr.s Appointment

My fabulous Dr. reiterated that there has been significant improvement throught my tumor (plural) shrinkage, so we'll continue with 2 more chemo rounds, then do a radioactive heart test, because one of my drugs causes heart problems at a certain threshold, much as the cisplatin caused neuropathy. Don't want that!!
I am meditating more, now, to the self-recorded ones from the Simonton recommended ones in his book, as well as modified ones from the scripts which there is a link for on these pages. These are becoming more clear and mentally powerful as I practice them more.
Not juicing as much as I should but I am totally aware of what I'm eating.
My therapy is the greatest psycho/emotional helper - I'm blessed and guided to be placed with my Teacher/Guide. And now, as I start to open up to Mike about the things I discuss with my Guide, he's known some of these things all along~ What the??? But he's known it for himself; I may have suspected these things, been told about them or have been informed to do them before, but I haven't known it for me, and I think you need or have to know certain things yourself. You have to learn to perceive and then see anew. And then ACT anew, from the heart.
I have managed to do this before (during a particularily torturous employment period) which changed the conditions in my life dramatically as I received my next job, which I adored.
But, obviously, there's more that needs changing as I refocus my life in many different ways.

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