Thursday, October 2, 2008

CT Scan results

Top: July 30th, 2008; Bottom: Sept.23rd, 2008
This view is taken between my leg bones or top of pelvis, whichever the case may be (most likely pelvis). On the top picture there is a large shadowy mass beginning about 1/2 cm (on screen) above the lighter shadowy mass above the spine (this belongs there), which extends up about 3 cm and across 3 cm between the bones. Above that, there is a mass that is marked at approx. real zise 7 x 5 cm.
On the bottom picture, there is now a wisp where the 7 x 5 mass was, and a very small bit of mass above the spine area.
I really have no words about this at this time, other than all the best words that there are for this and those involved. Just unbelievable. Look at that smooth CT scan.
The glow-in-the-dark cherries are gone from their area (if you click on August postings on the right and find August 1st, you can see the old CT scans); the liver and spleen are almost completely clean; all my levels (blood, etc., are balanced and good/normalized).
I really don't have words, only thanks and thoughts of thanks and tears of thanks caught in my throat and prayers of thanks running through my mind, so I'm posting pictures of our trip, recommended for healing by the way, to Tobermory. Enjoy and love love love!!!!

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