Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hope this doesn't happen to you...

Here goes my hair again. I was really flipping out about it but Mike calmed me down. I feel I'm forcing the calm a bit but I still have actually quite a bit of hair. It will be when I have to put the bandana on again that I'll be at the breaking point. I'll get a passport photo "just in case" while I still have some hair.
Took a dissociation test for my new hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy sessions. Some of the questions were quite strange:
Have you ever been dressed in the morning and have no recollection of how you got dressed?
Have you ever been driving somewhere and have no recollection of how you got there?
Do you spend time in a place in your imagination?
What percentage of time do you spend in your imagined place?
(I don't know about you, but we have a small Jasmine plant that's blooming right now, and every time I smell the blooms I am taken right back to our apartment/room in Bangkok, and I would gladly spend 60% of my time thinking about that in 10 minutes.)
The joy meter is fighting a real balance to stay active in my perspective i.e. looking at the pretty shed that I've just painted, knowing that the front of the house where I've painted looks just as good, seeing a hummingbird in the back yard and being posed some interesting questions by a "new" person all because I can walk around and drive and communicate and have stamina and think and grow vs. losing my hair again.
Do you hear voices?
What percentage of the time are you suicidal?
Do you ever find something in your house which was a purchase you have no recollection of making?
Do you ever stand beside yourself and look at yourself and not know who you are?
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and not known who you were?
Have you ever been somewhere and not known how you got there?
Do you talk to yourself?
What percentage of the time do you talk to yourself?

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