Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Hospice

I have been waking up for the last 3 days with my first thought being the lyrics and music of an Under the Pink Tori Amos song "...there's something believing, instead of just leaving..." which has been a great way to wake up and I hope that it continues. I went to the hospice to try their Wednesday relaxation program, and it really was great. I'll continue to go if I can. Unfortunately there were no men there, which would provide a different balance than I've experienced through all of this. Or, maybe for them, it's fortunate! I do not know.
The Tibetan singing bowl meditations have been great, too, and so far they seem to last about 10 minutes. I don't know if they'll get longer but I'll let you know. I lost my ACIM, ordered another one, and found my copy again. I've taken a loooong break from it and I'm almost done. That's new behaviour. I do have a new book, unrelated to healing, but still biographical , called Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. My friend Shawna recommended it to me and it's about a climber (K2 in this book) who doesn't make it to the summit, saves another climber, and then his life just changes course dramatially. I love climbing books, love biographies, and need to hear about someone's simple but extraordinary life right now, so this is what I'm reading. As well I love everyone's comments, which I appreciate so much, and thank you, because like the books or little coincidences like songs or birds, they're always thought provoking or welcomed! I also entered Serene in the Humane Society calendar contest; Mike and I always said she would win a cat show, so at 15 years old, in she goes. Miss July!

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