Thursday, September 11, 2008

Went to the Dr. and the Dr. said....

"I can barely find this.. I think this tumor had disappeared. I think this is just scar tissue from the operation." YAY! "And this area that was hard to push on has really softened." Breathing out!!!
That was a great Dr.'s appointment. Cat scan on the 23rd, the 3 more rounds of chemo, etc..
(Daily) meditation with hypnotherapist CD, Hospice meditation and Reiki (which I love) and touch therapy. Prayer and Pat's prayer inspirarion, receiced prayers. Practice (at times) of A Course in Miracles and Tolle. This is what I believe has helped.
Many would say it's just the chemo, and this chemo does rock.
In the end though, I agree with me! And my healthier body agrees with all of it.

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