Friday, May 23, 2008

Giving not Heaven for Lost

I'm not sure what the new amitryptaline is doing to me, other than right now I'm sleeping like a log and I still have insane peripheral neuropathy as well as being bunged up. I've had 2 pills so far and I'm not sure if it's sinking ijn.
The neuropathy is like a stiffening of my joints in my hands and toes/ankles, as well as a numbness creeping up my arms and legs. Sometimes it feels as if there are raw nerve endings in my fingers, behind my finger nails, definitely in my feet. It seems as if it's been so long since my body has felt normal, and while I'm happy that I look normal on the outside, the physical difficulty I'm having doing everyday things is crazy, such as opening up a creamer for a coffee, lifting a lid off of a cottage cheese or other container, maintaining a grip on something, holding a fork, getting cutlery from a drawer, etc. etc..
This is a tiring process and I really hope that it is leading to recovery.

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